Dec 12, 2015

What is Programming?

Coding, Programming, Software developer what is it? .

Computer are not very smart. They do thing as user says. Computer needs instruction to work. User gives instruction and computer executes them. Computer gets confused very quickly, if you give them wrong or not exact instruction they may not execute things as you might have expected.


Computers don’t understand English, they have their own language .i.e. machine language (language of 1’s and 0’s). They understands only 1’s and 0’s.Giving instruction to Computer in this language is very difficult for humans. So, we developed a language that we understand (high level language) which is then converted to machine level language what computer understands.

To perform a specific task we need to give computer a set of instructions to execute that task. Each instruction tells computer to do something small but very specific.

Take a real life example, your friend want to reach your house and he need to a path to reach your home. He calls you for address and a path to reach your home. Now, you will give instructions step by step and sequentially so that he reaches your home. What if you change the sequence of path to reach your home suppose you say turn right instead of left? He may end up going on wrong place. Similarly Computers need to be given set of instruction which is something small but very specific.

Set of instruction that a computer follow to perform a task is called Program. And writing those program is called as Programming. The language in which that program is written is called as Programming Language.